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Thursday 8 January 2015

#2 Fruits that are good for Acne skin ( Apples)

Good day girls~

Yup, its the common fruit apple. Do you know about apples is also good for acne skin.Aside from being a tasty fruit, the apple fruit is packed with antioxidants which provide several health benefits. Apples help in digestion, contain vitamins that promote healthy skin, as well as acids that help detoxify the body.
They are beneficial for treating acne both by daily consumption and topical application. Studies have shown that eating 3 apples daily with the skins intact accelerates healing of damaged skin and prevents acne breakouts.
You should go for golden or red apples because they provide more pectin which helps to absorb as well as get rid of toxins within the digestive tract. In addition, applying fresh apple juice topically on the affected area can help eliminate acne and regenerate skin cells.
#Face mask tip~
One other effective acne treatment you can try is honey and apple facial mask. Mix four tablespoons of apple with one grated apple. Apply it on all parts of your face aside from your eyes and mouth. After fifteen minutes, wash it off using warm water.

#1 Fruits that are good for Acne skin ( Orange )

Good day girls, I'm here to share with you a great fruit for you~

Sweet And Juicy oranges are good for you and your skin too~

~Many orange vegetables and fruits provide high concentrations  of the A vitamin, beta-carotene, which supports a healthy  immune system, vision, and skin. Vitamin A has similar effects  on skin as retinol medications, which are commonly used to treat  acne, with fewer side effects. Vitamin A helps clear breakouts by  drying excess oil and reducing inflammation.
Hi everyone I'm Chelsea, hihi~ A new start for this blog!

Yup,hi everyone Im Chelsea, I'll share great skin care tips and review of skin care products for everyone~

 I'm 15,as a teen I suffer acne and oily skin. Ya its really terrible like a nightmare for every teen. But never mind we will have to combat trouble skin together!!!

                                                                 (photo from web)